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Polident Oral And Dental Health Polyclinic

Dental İmplant

Implant treatment is a procedure in which prosthetic teeth are placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth.

Implant treatment is the process of adding a dental prosthesis on titanium screws placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth. These titanium screws are structures of a certain thickness and width and are durable and biologically compatible with the body. The duration of implant treatment may vary depending on the number of teeth to be implanted and the individual situation. However, thanks to today’s developing technology, this period is usually quite short.

The pain that may occur after the implant is usually similar to the pain after a normal tooth extraction. However, this may vary from person to person as each individual has a different pain threshold. This pain can be minimized with anesthesia and pain management techniques. After the treatment, with proper oral care and the use of medications recommended by the physician, the implant healing process usually goes smoothly and comfortably.


Polident Oral And Dental Health Polyclinic

Benefits of
Dental Implant